Thomas Llewelyn Webb
- Media Contact
My research to date has focused on three main areas:
(1) Goal and implementation intentions as determinants of behaviour change
How do people achieve their goals and make changes to their behaviour? The usual answer is that people need to be motivated. However, even medium-to-large changes in people's intentions seem to have only a small-to-medium effect on their behavior. In short, motivation is not enough. As a result, much of my research to date has investigated how the effects of motivation can be boosted by forming specific plans -- known as "implementation intentions" -- that link good opportunities to act with suitable responses to those opportunities.
(2) Emotion regulation
As part of an ESRC large grant titled "Emotion Regulation in Others and Self" (EROS) we investigated the efficacy of a number of affect regulation strategies as well as the neurophysiology of emotion regulation.
(3) Determinants and consequences of monitoring goal progress
In Summer 2011 I was awarded an ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant to investigate the role of monitoring (and not monitoring) in goal striving. The project proposes that there is an 'ostrich problem' such that, in many instances, people bury their heads in the sand and fail to monitor the relation between their current behaviour and their desired behaviour.
Primary Interests:
- Applied Social Psychology
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- Emotion, Mood, Affect
- Health Psychology
- Internet and Virtual Psychology
- Motivation, Goal Setting
- Prejudice and Stereotyping
- Social Cognition
Research Group or Laboratory:
Journal Articles:
- Harkin, B., Webb, T. L., Chang, B. P. I., Prestwich, A., Conner, M. T., Kellar, I., Benn, Y., & Sheeran, P. (2016). Does monitoring goal progress promote goal attainment? A meta-analysis of the experimental evidence. Psychological Bulletin, 142(2), 198-229.
- Webb, T. L. (2011). Advice-taking as an unobtrusive measure of prejudice. Behavior Research Methods, 43, 953-963
- Webb, T. L., Benn, Y., & Chang, B. P. I. (2014). Antecedents and consequences of monitoring domestic electricity consumption. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 40, 228-238.
- Webb, T. L., Chang, B. P. I., & Benn, Y. (2013). ‘The Ostrich Problem’: Motivated avoidance or rejection of information about goal progress. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7, 794-807.
- Webb, T. L., Joseph, J., Yardley, L., & Michie, S. (2010). Using the internet to promote health behavior change: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of theoretical basis, use of behavior change techniques, and mode of delivery on efficacy. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 12, e4.
- Webb, T. L., Miles, E., & Sheeran, P. (2012). Dealing with feeling: A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of strategies derived from the process model of emotion regulation. Psychological Bulletin, 138, 775-808.
- Webb, T. L., Ononaiye, M. S. P., Sheeran, P., Reidy, J. G., & Lavda, A. (2010). Using implementation intentions to overcome the effects of social anxiety on attention and appraisals of performance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 612-627.
- Webb, T. L., & Sheeran, P. (2008). Mechanisms of implementation intention effects: The role of goal intentions, self-efficacy, and accessibility of plan components. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 373-395.
- Webb, T. L., & Sheeran, P. (2007). How do implementation intentions promote goal attainment? A test of component processes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 295-302.
- Webb, T. L., & Sheeran, P. (2006). Does changing behavioral intentions engender behavior change? A meta-analysis of the experimental evidence. Psychological Bulletin, 132, 249-268.
- Webb, T. L., & Sheeran, P. (2004). Identifying good opportunities to act: Implementation intentions and cue discrimination. European Journal of Social Psychology, 34, 407-419.
- Webb, T. L., & Sheeran, P. (2003). Can implementation intentions help to overcome ego-depletion? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39, 279-286.
- Webb, T. L., Sheeran, P., & Luszczynska, A. (2009). Planning to break unwanted habits: Habit strength moderates implementation intention effects on behaviour change. British Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 507-523.
- Webb, T. L., Sheeran, P., & Pepper, J. (2012). Gaining control over responses to implicit attitude tests: Implementation intentions engender fast responses on attitude-incongruent trials. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 13-32.
Courses Taught:
Thomas Llewelyn Webb
Department of Psychology
University of Sheffield
Western Bank
Sheffield S10 2TN
United Kingdom
- Phone: (+44) (0)114 22 26516
- Fax: (+44) (0)114 22 26515
- Skype Name: princellewelyn